If God was a superhero & how do I know if I am saved?

Christians always talk about “jesus saving them”

Whar does it mean and how do I know if I am saved?

This was the question asked at church this week, as I listened to the wisdom bestowed upon us and avoiding eye contact, ironically praying that no one picks me out to talk I stumbled across my own answer and was moved so much that despite my pure fear of public speaking I was moved enough to share my opinion and experience.

I mentioned in my last blog regarding faith as to where my personal journey is with faith but for me I realised I had been saved through the people who God sent to teach and influence me by members of our very own boiler room. This is something that perhaps my other friends may scoff at but to me its something that has changed my life and I am by no means a born again Christian but god sent some special people to save me from loneliness of living in a town with no friends or family, these disciples of Jesus enriched my life and the life of my children and showed me how to make friends and more so how to make friends with people who seemed so different.They sparked my curiosity of how to be better and less selfish. Later on, a year two after I was sent another saviour in the form of my American best friend who at the time was new and lonely, and if I think about it I have no explanation other than she was sent to me for a purpose because I don’t make friends easy, I don’t like newcomers and I don’t like change.  It was  her love for faith and life and life built around faith actually saved me from what atheist view I was throwing around in my head. Her constant and ever dying love for the man himself and how she lived her life opened up my view on the world and on myself, I saw that there was a better way to live, less stressed and less blame, less hatred and anger. Jesus has saved me from myself and how do I know it, because iv seen my flaws and I’m living each day to change, to be less angry, to be more forgiving, to not hold on to hatred but to embrace the happiness. To be a better person to find new ways to deal with stress and my relationships, to be better, to be less selfish and kinder.

So where as once a upon a time I would’ve completely scoffed at this unrealistic notion, I’m moved and surprised to understand I have in fact been saved, and if you know me properly you will know it too.

The only peace we can find in our soul is when we accept the truth of our nature, the beauty of God and the gift of life and salvation that is in Christ Jesus. For who so ever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

All this talking about “being saved” leaves me pondering…
If god was a superhero who or which one would he be????

His life work is to save us right?

God is in fact S.H.I.E.L.D…

He is the infinite force that governs all the super hero’s and he gave us  his superhero… Jesus!
Jesus was sent to earth to save us, he died on the cross to save us and he rose from the dead to live amongst us so he can save us.

One thought on “If God was a superhero & how do I know if I am saved?

  1. Pingback: Jesus is better than Hercules | Bible Aid

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