A Zumba Revolution

It’s Tuesday again and as usual I find myself feeling the withdrawals but also deliriously perky at the thought that Ill be getting my fix this evening! It’s been 4 whole days without it, how have I managed? Why do I need it so bad? Who bloody cares, it’s Tuesday and I’m getting IT…… I know what your thinking but no I’m not talking about an illegal high or that perfectly chilled bottle of wine in the fridge, what I’m talking about is perfectly legal but just as intoxicating with an added healthy boost as well as been so much fun and it only costs around £5

I must warn you if you continue to read you will be compelled to give it a go and like the many others that Iv pointed to the light you will be utterly inarecvably in love with it! Yes it’s ZUMBA!!

Anyone who knows me probably gets fed up with me preaching about the fitness sensation or as I like to call it the best money you’ll ever spend, and thoes of you clever people that have listened to me you will most likely now be in midst of you addiction. It quite literally sweeps you of your feet!

So what’s the deal?

Simply it starts of by someone wanting to get a bit fitter or loosing a few pounds (or just to shut me up) and you walk into a Zumba class rather dubious BUT quite literally walk out afterward shaking what your mother gave you.

Heres the science bit as they say, it’s an hour of constant dancing to hypo Latin music, you shake your ass and hips to fantastic music in the words of P Diddy “like your working for tips” As a result you sweat as much as you would from a gym workout but the magic is that you didn’t even notice because you were having so much fun. You realise that the instructor has just pushed you beyond limits but you didn’t even notice because she had a smile on her face and was dancing and pushing her self with you, and you were that busy burning hundreds of calories and having a ball and in my case lookinglike a twat! You didn’t even notice!
So if you haven’t tried it I DARE you!! If you need a little persuasion just youtube any one of these songs and “feel the music take your sole”
1. Pitbull ft T-Pain Hey baby drop it to the floor.
2. Pa’La diskoteca a bailar (Zumba song)
3. Zumba he zumba ha!

And when you do just see if you start to recognise any of these signs that you could be addicted:
1: you think I’m terrible at this but I’ll be back next week
2: you start to look forwards to your next class
3: you wake up on the day of class and are consumed with excitement.
4: you think about it when your not at class
5: you take an extra class
6: you sing the songs constantly and in my case find myself trying to stop my feet going along with the singing in my head in the middle of tesco!
7: you start making your friends go

If you recognise any of these signs just admit it, it’s got you, you have a problem and join the ZUMBA REVOLUTION!!!

Last but not least If your going to try one Zumba class make sure it’s Liarna’s Zumba Classes she will quite simply win you over and you will never go any where else!
