Recipe of the week, Butternut Squash Soup With Chilli & Creame Fraiche


I’m back and today I’m raving about butternut squash soup. I stumbled across this recipe in Good Food magazine so I can’t take credit for it but it deserves to be shared and adored by all.

The recipe was published in the Autumn addition of my favourite magazine and it just screamed “make me make me…Make me when your family is cold and their bellies need warming up” and that’s exactly what I did.

I made this after a long autumn day out in the country park, we were cold, muddy and hungry.

Ingredients (serves 4, can be doubled)

1 butternut squash (peeled and cubed)
2 table spoons of butter
1 onion chopped
1 garlic clove chopped
2 mild red chillies, deseeded & finally chopped
1.5 pint of vegetable stock
4 tbs of Creme fraiche extra for serving

Heat the oven to 180c, toss the squash in olive oil and roast for 30 mins (I did this the day before)

Melt the butter in a pan with 1tbs of olive oil and melt the onions, garlic & 3/4 of the chilli. Cover & cool for 25 minutes or until onions are soft.

Tip the squash in to the pan and add the vegetable stock & creme fraiche, then whizz with a blender stick until smooth.

Serve with swirls of creme fraiche, cracked black pepper and the remaining chilli.

I served this with a plate of fresh bread and my family devoured it!

We were left full as the soup is quote thick and very very satisfied.

I think this will be added to my recipe journal and hopefully it will be served throughout the generations of my family.

It’s so quick and simple, just give it ago, even if you’ve never made soup before (I hadn’t before this) it’s perfect for beginners.

One thought on “Recipe of the week, Butternut Squash Soup With Chilli & Creame Fraiche

  1. Pingback: Recipe of the week, Butternut Squash Soup With Chilli & Creame Fraiche | Couldiswapmychildrenforpenguins's Blog

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