To Grow up is the biggest tragedy of life

Just recently I was watching the childhood film Hook with my children for the very first time.

Throughout the movie I found myself being overwhelmed with emotion and felt them child hood pangs of magic and ever after in the rush of emotion that kept creeping over my body.

I’m sure you all know what Hook is about…. Peter Pan finally leaves Never Land and grows up 😦 He forgets everything and turns into an over worked, frazzled lawyer who neglects his wife and children. bbasically a grown up right? Hook kidnaps his children and Peter must remember who he was and is to save his children……… Genius

Peter Pan has always been my favorite Disney movie, Its the most magical romantic notion and deep down I’m sure we can all identify with the concept of never wanting to grow up, and regardless of how old we seem to get we always feel like a child deep in side and cant really remember the exact point we grew up.

When ever I see Big Ben in the epic movie, and any of the the remakes of Peter Pan like Hook or even in any other film I’m immediately reminded of the nostalgic love of magic and fairy tales, it gives me great comfort and hope that somewhere along the way to the second star on the right, and carrying on until midnight there is a world where we can all live like children, surrounded by magic, hopes and dreams and innocent romantic ideals.



In Hook Peter inevitably remembers who he really is and saves his children whilst vowing to never become that over worked, neglectful father again, something I thank the movie for, giving me that gentle reminder that our children wont be children for long and we need to reconnect with our inner child and enjoy the world and our own children through there eyes… easier said than done, when bills need paying etc but watch Hook or Peter Pan and give it a go.


For as long as I live I’ll always look long and hard at the magical Big Ben just in case I see a wee sprinkle of fairy dust or the faint image of Peter.

To grow up is the biggest tragedy of life.


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