I Have A Feeling


I have this feeling…..
It keeps overwhelming me, it keeps making my heart swell with pride and excitement, sometime I feel like its going to burst out my chest.

I have this feeling,
every time I brush your hair, hold your face in my hands and every morning when I stand back and admire you

I have this feeling every time you hug me, every time you look into my eyes and tell me you love me

I can’t explain it, it’s something extraordinary, it feels bigger than you bigger than me bigger than the world.

How can it be possible to have so much hope and belief in one little person .., I don’t know it’s just a feeling

A feeling that you my daughter are destined for extraordinary things

I believe with every part of my heart and soul that you are going to be great beyond belief

I haven’t figured out yet what exactly it is your going to do or be but I have this feeling that every time I look in you eyes that I have been giving a very special job, to get you ready, ready for greatness.

You inspire me beyond words and every time I see your little face my pen aspires to write an endless amount of words.

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