New Years Resolutions … Aka… The Happiness Goal

Hi guys Im back……

Its the 4th December and Im musing over my New Years Resolutions already..


New Years resolutions are all about reflection, looking back on the past and forward to the coming year.

Upon reflection of  the year it really has been a great year, full of memorable family moments, first days and first times, re kindled friendships, achievement’s and discoveries.

So im not going to make the usual sorry resolutions I’m going to take inspiration from Monica Geller and make my new year resolutions happy and positive goals.

If 2013 is as happy and inspiring as 2012 then I simply cannot wait for what it beholds.



So here goes my New Years Resolutions…

1. To pass my driving test 

2. To organize my study

3. To collect more cook books

4. To do less cleaning and more playing with the children

5. To drink more wine

6. To cook more for my loved ones 

7. Well this one is a secret..

You see all of these resolutions ( passing my driving test aside)  will cause me great pleasure in my quest to obied and whats more motivating than pleasure?

I hope I manage to inspire someone to make a happy and positive new years resolution

For now Merry Christmas to you all and Happy New year!







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