My Impending Doom….. The Shopping List

Iv been sat for most the morning doing a bit of healthy procrastination… I’m referring to my impending doom… the dreaded shopping list, but this week its not just any shopping list its the Christmas shopping list….. You may laugh and scorn but its something i dread every single bloody week

You see I plan my meals in advance around a family of four who have differnt days when my husbands not in for dinner so its just the kids to think about, then the days Im not in and its him and the kids and its just horrific.

In my case a badly thought out and unplanned shopping list with holes in leads to absolute carnage in the supermarket… apart from the usual stress of the monster named Max tagging along in the trolley crying and whinging and causing general all round embarrassment it means the husband and I rowing, me walking off in a huff and loosing each other for a small hour, before you know its been 2 hours not only do I need a bottle of vino and a shot to calm me down but most probably forgot something. So that is why the shopping list is a millatry operation for me.

Because its the week before Christmas and my husband is not off not till Chrirtmas day and then not till the 2nd January after that I faced with the task of planning my meals for quite literally the rest of the year, including the epic Chritmasday and Boxing day feast and not to mention all the christmas baking i have to do…. So someone please just pass me the mulled cider now!

Thats a total of 15 meals, including christmas dinner,  home made mince pies, chocolate raindeer cakes, carrott cake, Poppy seed and apricot bread (for boxing day) that i now need to get a wriggle on and start planning…… I just havent got it in me… Im just one little woman…

Please pray that i get through it without opening a bopttle of brnady in the middle of Tescos or Asda (I have to visit both) and declaring total insanity and divorce!

Stay tuned as I’ll probaly blog the baking items.


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