I Gave Him 2 Children The Least He Could do Is Give Me A Mulberry

I’m not entirely sure what’s spurred this crusade  on its been a combination of things really…
Things being a silent wish or vow that one day my handbag won’t be for raisins, nappy’s, mini cheddars and crayons, and the 2nd that one of my BFF’s is obsessed with expensive Handbags but I have made a full-out pledge to get me a grown up handbag which will contain only the objects of my affections and not that of Mary popping’s…
My grown up handbag will go everywhere with me and be poised beautifully on my arm or shoulders at all times.
My grown up handbag will contain my make up bag instead of crayons, perfume instead of un scented dermatologically tested baby wipes, my note pad and pen instead of colouring books and my glasses.
There will be no dried apricots setting up home in the corners and there will be no 6 month old lollipops.
The problem with this endeavour to re-create myself (because secretly deep down that’s probably what I’m trying to do) is the above mentioned BFF and her taste for handbags rubbing off on me(as much as I hate to say it) I mean £100++++ on a handbag is rather deluded… The idea of spending it on cook books and welli’s is more my style… But no no no I must remember this handbag will change my life right? Oh and the other problem comes in the form of my husband who happily indulges me in my quest for clothes, wellies and my eBay addiction but he did not sign up for the handbag thing, and I don’t think there’s any amount of massage’s, back strokes or cakes to get round him…
A phrase I hear recently comes to mind
“I gave  him 2 beautiful children the least he can do is give me a Mulberry”
So for now all you need to know is iv made the decision to get myself a grown up handbag… How this will happen… Well I’m still at the brainstorming on how to get your husband to buy you a mulberry stage..
Now good night sleep tight it’s time for some serious back stoking of a certain husband of mine… Whilst I’m fantasising of a day of total sophistication and grown up handbags.
Please not it’s actually a fossil bag I want not a mulberry it just sounds more poetic.

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