Cook Book Club

Just incase there’s anyone else out there like myself, somebody who take great pleasure in reading a cook book from top to bottom, who savour each page like it may be your last.

Just a few pages in to “Grandma’s Best Recipes” I was already inspired and felt that familiar itch to tell you about it, and it was then that I had an idea that will combine the two things I LOVE indulging in(cook books and writing) and start my own cook book review club.

I know the most of you wont really care but like I said “just in case”

I will try to review most cook books I read and even ones iv read in the past… occasionally other reads may creep their way on here  but only if I have such a strong urgency to share.

So for now my name is Stacy Knight and I’m the sole member of Cook Book Club and just in case there’s anyone else out there please join me and follow my blog.

The above book “Grandma’s Best Recipes” will be my first order of business.



This book has been on my Cook Book Wish list for a while now and my bff without even knowing it bought me it for Christmas (Love her muchly)

The mood was right, the setting was perfect reading conditions so I slipped on my glasses and tuned the pages……

I like a cook book to be a good read as well as having an abundance of new recipes for me and this has not failed in that area.

Within an instant I was transported back to a time when the older generation our grandma’s and great grandma’s were the backbone of society, during world war two when women took on the mens rolls instead of staying at home as well as all the domestic and chores and cooking.

Growing up myself I never really had a relationship with my grandmothers but deep between the pages of this cook book, the words and scenes it sets evoke such magical and fond pictures  that I can absolutely strive to set for my daughter and myself and plant something solid within my daughter, a seed of respect, magic and the hope of memories to be built.  We have a chance to start something new that is old at the very same time, a chance to start a life long bond.

The book heavily feature old classics such as Spotted Dick pudding, trifle, ham and leak pie and good old ingredients such as lamb kidneys.

Now I know these arent the most modern or fancy dishes out there we are used to looking for from our cook books but hey why learn to run before you walk right. Spend a bit of time going back to basics and perfecting the old traditional ways, lay your roots or so to say.

As I read a cook book I’m armed with post it notes which mark dishes id like to make and after making them I add any notes on the dish. I do this for two reasons one so I remember and two I dream that one day my daughter will be reading them all and it will be a way to have me with her.

I’m pleased to announce this book had got the post it stamp of approval with its Pecan pie, cinnamon swirls and Chicken & Broccoli casserole amongst overs.

Grandma’s Best Recipes is beautifully illustrated with a rustic feel to its page and is a visual delight.

Turn the pages to keep discovering grandma’s handy tips and for a finish touch to its make your own jam, orange & squash marmalade is a section of exquisite hand-made labels to cut out for your jarred of home-made delights.

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