
I feel like its been such a time since I blogged, Iv been having a bit of trouble  getting the words out. I took to buying a notepad and pen yesterday to help get my words out as some times I feel if I don’t get them out straight away I’ll forever forget them.

A couple of hours passed and I was already filling the pages with blogs but now It seems that its backfired on me, as getting them down on paper appears to satisfy to the urge to bust so I no longer feel I need to get them online.

I tell myself that Ill put them online later but somewhere in the back of my head I don’t think I will because I keep thinking… who really cares?

Its not just the notepad and pen that has led to this feeling, Its also this nagging feeling inside me that I should be writing something bigger, more worthy, epic a book……

I suppose Iv been flirting with the idea that I’m a writer but I feel I should provide some worthy words of proof to back that notion up.

But with the dream of something bigger, more worthy and epic comes this massive all consuming fear of failure and rejection.

Its December 1t today and I was counting on this month been the most inspiring and therefore  fueling more blogs, but for now Im almost certain that the project thats been nagging me for months and I just cant shake off is the key to my creativity making a come back.

So if  I don’t write you for a while Im busy…..Hopefully writing something…. big, something epic.


God Bless and Merry Christmas