In The Words Of Pheobe Buffay…..

In the words of Phoebe Buffay… 

“I have had a taste of my own Medicean and oh it is bitter”

This is how I felt recently after a string of small-scale rows with the hubby regarding home improvements. 
I’m sure you can all put 2 and 2 together and workout I have been massively inspired by Pinterest and in particular the home Deco section.
It’s not as if I want to change the whole house I would just like a few tweaks to make our house a home..
These tweaks  include but are not limited to, a reading  nook, oh how I dream of a nook/study… A nook been a reading room ( didn’t  even know this until my Pinterest)  my nook in particular would have a floor to ceiling book shelves for all my cook books and all the books I plan to stack for the children…. Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Railway Children, Dickens…the list is endless!
Also this nook of mine requires a desk and which will be where all the magic happens and where I will do all my important work… Important work been research for my book I’m planning on writing, and a lovely vase of flowers well because I’m a girl and I like pretty things…  I can see it now, me sat in my husbands favorite sweat pants and T, writing the next big block buster whilst Jazz FM fills the room with delicious melodies.
As a compromise Iv agreed that instead of all walls been covered in a book-case iv settled for one feature bookcase wall and another wall covered in pictures in various  designs and sizes of frames. (Oh think of the fun we will have scouring the boot sales at 7am to find these bespoke frames) 
Another feature of this room is THE CHAIR…… It seems only my mother in law understands my search for the perfect chair, and after a few bad purchases and mind changes and one of them row’sI mentioned  I purchased what can only be described as the Grandaddy of chairs. It’s big it’s comfy it’s just sex in a chair and it’s where I’ll do my best reading.
The Grandaddy of Reading chairs
Any way back to having a taste of my own medicine
Every time I put my sweetest voice on and suggest the projects all I hear from the husband is “you can’t  ” we can’t do that, that won’t work” and after a hissy fit which ended in me calling him a tosser I realised this must be exactly how my 4.5 year old daughter feels every day when she asks me an array of things and I reply “oh we can’t”  “No you can’t do that” and I feel dreadful for it!
The thought that my daughter may feel that I’m stifling her creativity or raining on her parade just like my husband is ruining all my plans or pissing all over my chips as he would say is just dreadful! Is she calling me a tosser?? I hope not I much prefer it when she calls me an angel! 
So one day Ruby if you ever read this and I so hope you do, I’m very sorry for all the “no we cant’s” and I will try a little harder to stop and think “do I really have to say no can’t I just say absolutely come on let’s do it!
Just a little more Often…
And one day husband when you read this coz I know you do please stop saying no because really all it’s doing is putting you in the dog house, making me no longer bake cakes for you and quite frankly just out of sheer womanly spite not put out!! 
                                                    I will not rest I will not bake!!

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