Recipe of the week, Peanut Butter & Banana Cheesecake

Iv been fighting a little battle today… Inside my refrigerator is the remains of yesterdays peanut butter cheesecake and its evil temptation will be the weight gain of me.

I know its January and a frozen cheesecake doesn’t exactly scream comfort food but my lord its good.

Iv never dared to attempt a cheesecake but a no bake cheesecake what can possibly go wrong….

Peanut butter is a staple in our house and together my husband and I have passed this love on to the children..we like to give them the best things in life 😉

So I’m in the middle of a peanut butter pudding discovery and this is the first of many nuttery buttery desserts …



2 small bananas

75g of melted butter

1 pack of digestive biscuits crushed to crumbs

150 of double cream

140g of icing sugar

400g of soft cheese

half tsp of vanilla extract

225g of crunchy peanut butter NOTE.. this is just under a jars worth id just use the whole jar.


Peel and mash 2 bananas, set aside for later

combine crushed biscuits & melted butter and press into a round cake tin, mine was a 22cm tin

whip the cream until it holds shape and in a separate bowl beat the sugar, soft cheese & vanilla.

Seperartly beat the peanut butter untill loosened, then fold the cheese mixture into the peanut butter, then tip in the mashed banana and gently fold in the cream.

Spread the mix over the biscuit base

Freeze for several hours (I did this for around 12 hours and took it out the freezer a couple of hours before we planned to eat.

Keep following for Peanut butter cake!

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