My childhood books from me to you.

As my daughter’s 5th birthday approaches, and the fact that our study/reading room/nook project is beginning to take its first steps towards a reality I recently began having flash backs to my childhood and the books I use to love as  child.


My dearest Ruby If your reading this, you should know by now you come from a family of readers, your Nannie Pat (my mam) has always loved to read and took me to the library from a very young age, and of corse me. I remember as a young teenager I would spend my saturday morning in the local library,  and now it gives me such joy to know you have inherited this from us. I love filling your little book shelf up with books and love it even more when you tell me your going upstairs to read. So as your birthday approaches Iv decided that I’m going to share with you the most favorite books from my early childhood and I just wanted to let you know that your mammy has set upon a mission to track down these books for you and

“no matter how busy we think we are, we must also find time for reading”

These few books are only the start of what I want to give to you but you are still a wee girl and this is where we will begin….

Mammy’s favorite books from me to you….

The old woman who lived in a vinegar bottle

The elves and the shoemaker 

Town Mouse and Country Mouse

                Love Mam x

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