Book Club….

I just read something beautiful and so desperately wanted to share it..

if they’d lingered long enough they would have seen a middle aged couple on deck chairs, slightly weathered by time but impeccably styled, and with a little more knowledge of how to be in love than they’d thought they had.

The Vintage Teacup Club (Vanessa Greene)



As comforting as a pot of earl grey and afternoon jazz, the vintage teacup club completely and utterly absorbed and touched me.
Both title and illustration earned this little gem a place on my reading list but it kept getting pushed to the back of the pile. I would have it said it was absolute fait!
I could not of read this warm relaxing story at a better time in my life.
Approaching 30 and discovering the person I am and the older I get I found great solace in this book.
When I wasn’t with the book I was still in the book and as I sit drinking my tea listening to jazz fm or strolling around a charity shop on the hunt for cook books, picture frames and teapots, It occurs to me how I’v changed and grown into a different and better version of myslef and  the women from the pages brought me a sense of peace about who I was and how lucky I am that I’m happy with who I’m becoming and who I’m meant to be.

Vanessa green has an uncanny way of reaching out to girls who beginning to realise they are becoming ladies and what we do and love is shaping the 30 40 and 50 something’s we will be one day.

This book is a brake from everything, so take a seat wether it be in the garden on a warm summers evening or snuggled up on your sofa, brew yourself a pot of tea and join me and the vintage teacup club.