Dear Me: Letters to my sixteen year old self

I just read a book today and naturally I had a few things to write about it, Dear Me: A Letter To My Sixteen Year old Self. Of course it got me writing my own letter to a sixteen year old me but in the end what is the use, its to late for me but I can save you Emoji

So please read with your ears wide and your heart willing and accepting of honest advice coming from someone who loves you to the moon and back and who knows you are great beyond word and meant for amazing things.

Dear sixteen year old me/Ruby

Don’t worry we will be best of friends again one day, this is something we just have to go through as we both find our feet with your growing up, I know you may hate me now and I’m probably unfair or ruining your life some how but I’m not I promise and I promise we will be close again

Okay lets just get this out the way… sex does NOT equal love, you cant find, earn or gain love through sex so just remember that.

Darling I know you may not realize it now but education is the biggest gift and life tool and its right at your fingertips. Embrace your gift, learn, learn everything you want and need to learn and more. A good education is the key to a lot of the rest of your life. Don’t juts study enjoy what will shape your future.

While I’m on the future….. do Not go near credit, your to young. I know you probably really want that new pair of shoes or phone or night out but trust me when your a grown and start to think about houses, cars etc you will thank me. This is the perfect opportunity for me to add in even though your adamant you will never ever settle down, marry have kids have a normal (boring Ill bet my life on that’s what you think) life so it doesn’t matter about the debt/credit thing me, your over half is only round the corner, you will find your soul mate sooner or later and when that happens all them promises you vowed will fly out the window.

Dear me, dear you although ‘I’m scared to loose you, you must travel. Do camp America, do seasons in the Alps, grab your backpack and trot around Europe, around the world. If you don’t do it now you never will and if you never get to smell every country your noes is allowed in to you will regret it. It will keep you awake at night. It will haunt you even at your happiest of times and it will taunt you when your enjoying life’s little wonders of motherhood and marital bliss. You’re scared, I know, you don’t want go alone none of your fiends are thinking of traveling BUT you DONT need them you ARE strong enough, wild enough, free enough.

I know this sounds like iv been drinking the mucky beer, especially after what Iv just said regarding travelling but I know your trying to brake free from your home town but”home is where you grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to get back to”

You have a soul mate its amazing you’ve always wondered I know, but you do and when you find your soul mate there aren’t really any words apart from its just happens, it just fits. You may not know why or how but you just know life and the world try as they might to brake you to test you wont stand a chance between you and your soul mate. Emoji

Dear sixteen year old me and only me,

You LOVE penguins figure it out will you, do something about it, sign up to be a volunteer on studies of penguins and travel, study them and work with them…..

You ARE a writer learn this sooner rather than later or it may be to late and all you may end up to show for your talent and passion is a blog and a few unfinished books that your to scared to finish and be deemed a failure.

You already know you love books and reading do something about that too.

For the love of God learn to drive now or it will be a very bump road ahead if you leave it till your late 20’s Emoji

You love running now your older.. who’d of though it.

I think that’s it…………………..

Love me/mam xxxxx

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